
What is Flourishing? It's maximizing personal well-being -- something like happiness and more -- the opposite of languishing. Want to Flourish in health, marriage, business -- in life? Want to raise children who Flourish? An organization that Flourishes, with employees who Flourish too? Who doesn't?!

Me too. I'm G E George PhD and you will find me combing scientific papers, websites, folk wisdom and even popular self-help books to understand how to increase Flourishing in myself and others, young and old. I'm summarizing and organizing what I learn into zZense Technology and posting it to this website.

The game plan is simple. Let's understand

  • The Goal -- Flourishing is more than just being happy -- but what, exactly? Clarity about the goal is essential. If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there ... and that's where you'll end up !
  • The Toolkit needed to get there, which turns out to be based on personal Centric Skills, rather than innate traits, external things, or academic schooling
  • Propagating -- pay it forward, helping those around us to better Flourish, too!

This understanding constitutes the human-centric zZense Technology. A brief warning: it requires time and effort -- it's not a "magic pill" or the latest expensive quick-fix "treatment".

We are just getting started. Bookmark this page, take a look inside, and return often!
